Production Service

Read more about our production service

Our production department specializes in covering all phases of the filmmaking process.

*Pre-production: We offer our services already from the brainstorming stage. The main duties include checking the script content, searching for filming locations, obtaining necessary licenses and permits, and organizing filming scenes and sets.

We make sure everything from insurance to crew and equipment is in place before filming begins. The schedule is carefully planned and the necessary filming equipment is organized at the right time. We also offer translation service and prepare other necessary elements.

*Filming: We provide comprehensive on-set support during filming, including crew management, equipment, transportation and local production services. Our team ensures a smooth daily routine and keeps your project on track.

*Post-production research: After filming, we offer follow-up services tailored to your needs. This includes backup interviews, reviewing contents, applying for reproduction licenses and managing remaining permits. Our post-production research ensures that every detail meets your expectations and requirements.

We accompany you on your production journey with our end-to-end support, making every phase of film production efficient and effective.